Sunday, February 22, 2015

Growing my Twitter Followers

This website shows some ways to get more followers, one being the use of hashtags. We talked about hashtags in class and how important they are to a post because they categorize things so well. If you were looking to reach a specific target audience, or target twitter followers, using proper hashtags would be the perfect way to categorize your tweets and get into some conversations with the people you are looking to find.

Another good way to get a lot of followers is to be in INformer! Obviously your personal account would fall into the MEformer category, since it is yours and its use is to post stuff about yourself. But other accounts such as news pages, fitness pages and things of that nature have millions of followers, because they inform us about information that everyone wants to know.
Another "way" to get followers are things like these, if you are dumb enough to do it. These sites broadcast that they can get you more followers if you pay for it! I am not sure how well this works, does not seem good, but it is a method none the less.
Here is a picture of my twitter, with 225 people currently following. I will test out some of these methods (most I already do) and see how it goes.

Below is a tweet in which I used a hashtag to vote for a former BC hockey player to participate in the NHL All Star weekend. This tweet put me in a category where I could easily find hockey fans like myself.

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