Monday, February 9, 2015

Assignment 2-1: What is Immersive Education?

Watching this video was one of the first assignments for my second class with him on thursday nights, that has not missed a month due to snow (lol). In this part of the video, some examples of iED are highlighted and explained in brief detail.
In this next part of the video, kids from a poverty stricken school used virtual worlds to visit a "zoo" and interact with virtual animals, almost as if they were there themselves, without the price tag of a bus to transport them, and fees for getting into an actual zoo.
In this part of the video, a teacher is asking her class "what kind of bird is this?" and the bird is a virtual animation using iED, which brings the students closer to an actual bird of prey than they could ever get by going outside or even to a zoo.
This part of the video is awesome and shows someone interacting with a virtual cow, and moving it around the way they'd like... almost looked like something Tony Stark would use in an ironman movie!

This is an assignment from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at   

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