Sunday, February 22, 2015

Growing my Facebook Followers

The easiest and most convenient way to grow your Facebook followers is the "people I may know" option that it offers. Click on this and you will be given a list of people that have mutual friends with you and similar interests, as well as location. Chances are you will know a bunch of these people! You can then click "add friend" and become friends.
Another great way to find new people is to join groups, or pages that have people with similar interests to you. This is another way to categorize aside from the hashtags, and once you are in a group of all people with something in common, it is easy to network and make friends.
And of course, as with Twitter we have the ridiculous scheme on how to get a crazy amount of people following you in a short time, but really none of these can be accomplished in a short time. Meeting people in groups and things of that nature take time, and most Facebook friends are made from the real world, so "growing your audience" is not really possible unless you meet/know a ton of people on a daily basis which you add on Facebook (assuming the account is for personal use). But none the less there are these "ways" to get 5000 followers in a day. That is impossible, but joining groups or checking the people you may know is quick and easy!
Here is a pic of my Facebook, showing 981 friends to begin with. I have a few groups (such as work and followed pages), which has helped me find people I know over the years. Once in a while I check the "People you may know" link and chances are I'll find one or two new people that I have met in the month or so prior.
This screenshot shows my Facebook connected to a group that is our collaborative computing class. From here I have added kids from our class to be friends with me and it is a perfect example of how to gain friends/followers using one of the previously stated methods.
This screenshot shows what I see when I click the "People you may know" link. I recognize a few of the names, some from my home town! This shows another easy method you can use to find more people you know on Facebook.

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