Thursday, February 26, 2015

Facebook: "Likes" vs "Friends" vs "Shares"

The Facebook help center has extensive amounts of information on just about any question you could think of asking. A lot of questions have to do with likes, friends, and (perhaps mostly) shares. Using Facebook for a few years now, I have learned over time the function of these three things and how/when to use them. For a beginner, the pages they see on the Facebook help center may look similar to these screenshots:

A "Like" on Facebook is a function used to literally show that you "like", enjoy, or agree with what is being posted. For example after a wedding people may post photo's of the ceremonies, by clicking the "like" button, you are basically saying you enjoy what you are seeing, and it is possibly even a small way to say congratulations! Another totally different use of "like" could be something along the lines of a political post, or a status containing an opinion. If you were to agree, or like (for lack of another word) what you were reading, you could show your support by clicking the "like" button!

A "Friend" on Facebook is much more than simply a friend in the way that we think of in people we know and like to be around. A lot happens on Facebook when you and someone become "friends", first, you will now see the things they post, and be able to view/comment on their posts and pictures (if their privacy settings are set to only allow friends to do, which is common), and second, you will now get suggestions for "people you may know" based on mutual friends you have with that person!

Lastly, "Shares" on Facebook are something that is very easy to use, yet not used as much as the "like" function. To "share" something on Facebook is basically the same as a "retweet" on twitter, it is a re-post of something you saw on a particular page to your own page. This has more use on Facebook than twitter since there is no character limit on Facebook, so you can also add text/images of your own to whatever you are sharing, without having to worry about going over a specified character limit.

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