Saturday, April 11, 2015

Class 9: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

I watched a few videos which explained some basics of writing Hypertext Markup Language as well as what it actually is. What I learned is that HTML is every computer/smartphone/tablets way of displaying what you see on the screen. The actual HTML that makes a web page look the way it does is much less visually pleasing than what we see when we load the webpage. Although it looks somewhat complicated, the videos I watched explained how it is really not so bad.
This is a screenshot of the first video I watched (it is embedded at the bottom of this post) that explained what HTML is and what updates it has gone through. The most up to date version of HTML is 4.01, and is supported by all web browsers. The video also highlighted that when browsers are made and updated, companies put in a lot of work to make sure that all HTML is supported. It closed by explaining how HTML5 is in the works!
The second video explained the basics of how to write in HTML form. It is similar to what we did in a different one of my classes which involved watching tutorials on how to write code to control turtles on the screen and make them eat lettuce. HTML uses what are called tags at the beginning and end of every action, for example a paragraph would start with <p> and end with </p>. This is what tells the computer where to begin a paragraph and where the paragraph ends. Many other functions can be performed in this same way, all of which come together to make a web page display look the way it does.

Below are the videos I watched.

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